Men's Ministry


“Rise up, O men of God,
Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and soul and mind and strength,
To serve the King of kings.
Rise up, O men of God,
The church for you doth wait;
Her strength unequal to her task,
Rise up and make her great.
Lift high the cross of Christ,
Tread where His feet have trod;
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God.”
In 1911, William P. Merrill published a song after being challenged with the need for a hymn expressing the urgent need of brotherhood among men. He penned these opening words, “Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things. Give heart and mind and soul and strength, to serve the King of kings.” This reflects the purpose of the Men’s Ministry of Fellowship Chapel. Our aim is to call men to Rise Up and enjoy the Christian brotherhood of other men, to Rise Up to the challenge of meeting with Christ daily and walking in obedience to Him and to Rise Up and serve King Jesus through His church, using every gift and tool He has given.
The Men’s Ministry of Fellowship Chapel includes: • Quarterly Men’s Nights consisting of fellowship around the table, followed by men worshipping together. • Annual Men’s Retreat • Accountability Groups • Monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast • Local service opportunities in the church and community • International mission opportunities